Adopt a Desk

Today the number of students at our rural schools has more than doubled from what they were when we first started our rural outreach program in 1989. The schools are forced to accommodate these numbers by placing four students at every desk.
In 2016 we started our Adopt A Desk program to accommodate these larger numbers of students.
Because of your generosity we have been able to provide desks in all the schools and classrooms that we currently service. We thank you on their behalf. With each desk donation, you inspire our students to study and work harder. We see this reflected in the higher grades from students who are benefiting from their new desks. Our students and teachers are all greatly appreciative of their new desks and we continue to receive requests for more desks from all of the schools in our rural outreach program. The cost of each desk is $75.00, and for your donation you will receive a photo of your dedicated desk and a thank you letter from the headmaster at the rural school where your desk is placed.
Use the below PayPal button to Adopt A Desk and be sure to fill in the text field with the name that is to be engraved on your desk. Additionally, please choose how you wish your desk inscription to read: 'DONATED BY', 'IN MEMORY OF' or "IN HONOR OF'.

All donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Our 501(c)3 Tax I.D. number is 95-3755629.