When you make a donation to the William Holden Wildlife Foundation, you become an active participant in providing a secure future for a wondrous variety of life.
General donations support the mission of the foundation and are most appreciated.
If you wish to support specific foundation projects or our rural outreach program, we offer numerous options for your philanthropy.
General One Time Donations:
Monthly Subscriptions:
If you would like to send a check please make it payable to the William Holden Wildlife Foundation and mail it to:
William Holden Wildlife Foundation
Post Office Box 16637
Beverly Hills, CA 90209
If you would like to make a donation by phone, please call our office at +1 (310) 274-3169.
Remember A Loved One With Your Gift
If you wish to make a donation in someone's memory in lieu of flowers, please use the below PayPal button, and be sure to fill in the person's name you are remembering, as well as the address of their family in order that we can acknowledge your gift to them. Any questions, please call our office, +1 (310) 274-3169.
All donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Our 501(c)3 Tax I.D. number is 95-3755629.